it is desired to create an application, there is a tendency to want
to develop for at least the two most popular platforms: iOS and
Android. However this is not always the best solution. A mobile
application development costs can be high, and choose wisely the
first platform is very important.
very good example is that of Instagram. You do not perhaps know, but
famous application Instagram was not available simultaneously on iOS
and Android. Indeed, he even passed two years before Instagram is
available on Android .
an iOS application seemed more relevant for developers. They
preferred to develop and optimize their application on iOS and then
carry on Android. When you know that Instagram now has about 600
million users, we understand why it is important to know which
platform to focus or not.
to start ?
an optimized application platform is a challenge in itself, and
already costs enough money. Create iOS and Android app simultaneously
adds to the complexity . Besides the financial aspect since it no
longer speaks with one app, but two.
first on a single platform will save you time and money. Especially
since the first version of an application is often prone to undergo
changes. Create your application on a platform you will not pay twice
when you want to make changes or updates.
Satisfaction On Each Platform:-
you create an iOS or Android application?
on the target market
is known for focusing on a premium market with clients with high
incomes. In contrast, Android is to reach as many people . For
example, Android will be much more popular in emerging markets than
Apple. While iOS will be more present in rich countries.
understand, if you are targeting developing countries, focus on
creating an Android application. On the contrary, prefer iOS to
developed and rich countries because Apple products there will be
more popular.
you want to make money through in-app purchases or via your paid App.
On this point, iOS has a clear advantage. Indeed, Apple's platform
typically generates 85% more revenue than Google's platform ,
Android. Additionally, iOS users are more likely to spend money via
the integrated shopping application.
example, here are the statistics of the game Monument Valley
developed on iOS and Android in 2014.
you could see from the two previous graphs, iOS platform is
undoubtedly the winner regarding the revenue generated through the
application. This can of course be explained by several factors. The
key is that Apple is a premium market is more likely to shell out
money to get applications. Besides the fact that Apple's platform is
more popular with regard to in-app purchases.
If you wish to make an application with an integrated shop
remain in the field of monetization and therefore in the iOS chosen
field. Indeed, studies have shown that iOS users are 20% more likely
to go on e-commerce sites to make purchases. To this must be added
the fact that 23% of iOS users prefer to make purchases via their
phone rather than via the computer. For Android, this figure drops to
the end if you want to create an application with integrated shop,
prefer iOS to Android. The Apple platform has a real advantage over
its main competitor.
those who do not know already, fragmentation is the fact that some
users are using older versions of operating systems, while others use
the latest versions. What is wrong with this, how about me. The
reality is that the problem of fragmentation can cause real problems
if it does not prepare. In addition, some devices are not compatible
with all latest versions of operating systems. This further adds to
the complexity of the problem.
is a closed platform. This means that Apple has complete control over
the hardware and software used via their operating system. This
allows them to keep a strong control of fragmentation on iOS.
stay in the figures, it is important to know that if we take the 3
recent iOS versions, it reaches about 95% of users. As for Android,
if one counts the three latest versions, barely reached 65% . You'll
understand the first concern is the fact that we achieved less easily
users on Android than on iOS . But above all, the fact that Android
is extremely fragmented makes development more difficult and longer.
It is necessary that the application is compatible with maximum
versions possible. And when we know that there is more than one
hundred versions, one suspects that there is work.
for Android development it will add cost and time to optimize the
application on up versions. It will also require the testing costs
will therefore be higher than on iOS since there are many more
different device.
your market research shows that the majority of your target use
Android. Also, if you want to add features that are not available on
iOS, you certainly choose to create an Android application first. Of
course, it will keep in mind that the development of Android may be
longer and more complicated in some respects, particularly in terms
of fragmentation.
you want to monetize your application and generate income, I would
advise you to steer you to iOS. We saw it all, iOS is much more
effective in terms of money generated and spent on applications.
However one should keep in mind that if you focus on iOS, your target
should be potential iPhone owners, ie users with rather high incomes.
If you want to target a mass market, Android would be more suited to
your needs.
and iOS together?
you want to develop your application on both platforms from the
beginning, it will be prepared. I advise you to be financially
stable, and have additional resources to those required for
development. It is no coincidence that even the biggest names in
world applications there are thinking twice before developing on iOS
and Android simultaneously. Just a reminder, Instagram waited 2 years
before embarking on Android. This has so far not prevented the
application to attract users. Indeed, more than 100 million even
before the app is available on Android !!!
order to choose the most appropriate depending on your application,
it will study the market, costs, trends, demographics, the features
you want to use. It will be extremely important to run your
application on the platform more in line with your goals .
you are afraid of making the wrong choice and prefer to have the
Do not hesitate to share your project and we will help you achieve
the best possible conditions.
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